Build the Church Featured on TuneIn Radio

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Build the Church is now featured on TuneIn Radio!

To listen to Build the Church on TuneIn just do the following;

  • If you do not already have the app for your phone, search your smart phone's app store and download and install the app.

  • Once the app is installed, open the app and search for "Build the Church"

  • Bookmark Build the Church and enjoy listening!

It is that easy! With over 30,000 AM & FM radio stations and special programming like Build the Church, TuneIn Radio makes radio local, no matter how far from home you might be. TuneIn Radio is available on iPhones, iPads, iTouch, Android devices, Palm and Blackberry. It is also available at home on Google TV, Roku and Yahoo TV.

To learn more about TuneIn Radio go to

To listen to the Build the Church site on TuneIn just click here.


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