Build the Church 093 - Best of May!

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Welcome to the BEST of MAY on Build the Church. Today we feature the most requested songs by listeners for the entire month of May! The Best of May artists include House of Heroes, Red, Michael "Shok" Gomez, Majek Fashek, Sonia V., Laura Clapp, Mouthpiece and Caitlyn Smith.

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Find all the Build the Church Favorites in May below:
Hear Michael "SHOK" Gomez on the Podsafe Music Network.
Find Sonia V. in myspace by going here.
Hear Majek Fashek on the Podsafe Music Network.
Find Mouthpiece in myspace by going here.
Hear Laura Clapp on the Podsafe Music Network.
Find RED in myspace by going here.
Hear Caitlyn Smith on the Podsafe Music Network.
Find House of Heroes in myspace by going here.
Click here to find Podshow Music Rewind.

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